Welcome to Quinn's Web Graphic Archive!

table of contents:
angels, sky, and dreams
love + cutesy
magic, mythos, and spirituality
fae + flora
emo + goth
2000s/myspace adjacent
animanga + more
🐾 fauna 🐾

Hi!!! this is Quinn/Zeph and welcome to my digital stickerbook! Im OBSESSED with web graphics, both newer and old, so much I decided to make my own archive site for them. Ive tried my best to organize it by theme.
I hope you enjoy your stay! o(〃^▽^〃)o page 2 likely coming soon cuz im quickly running out of elements
note: site looks best on desktop
i would like to find some kind of way to put a guestbook or comments section on this carrd but i dont think thats possible without pro:( . If you have any ideas of how to set this up please let me know!! u can contact me on discord Xenofly#7601 warning! flashing images ahead!

last updated on 11.27.21[cst]